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Our Stories

You have been a part of a workplace where you felt a part of things. You were connected to others, you smiled, laughed, worked hard, and felt rejuvenated by the people and the work.


You have been part of a workplace where people were sullen, suspicious, formed cliques; where you worried about job security, you felt like you were inadequate and questioned everything you did. 


We believe that people deserve to be part of a healthy work culture.


We believe that maybe there might be a day where toxic practices, leadership approaches and cultures are no longer revered, celebrated, or tolerated.

We are here for anyone who has felt belittled, unheard, neglected, bullied or inadequate at work. We are here for leaders and teams who just don't know what to do, or how to fix things.

We are here for Shira.

She spent years being sexually harassed by her co-workers and came to think of it as part of the job.

We are here for Teams.

What is said outside the meeting is what sticks. No one speaks up, no one trusts. Blame reigns and cliques form.  No one is happy. 

We are here for Mike.

He was constantly ridiculed by his boss, and silently cut out of opportunities to grow.

We are here for Hao.

His team took credit for everything he did. He felt ignored, not seen and isolated.

We are here for Joel.

He got a new boss who felt threatened by him and started spreading rumours about his intentions and what he was doing.

We are here for Leaders

The teams you have are not thriving, and you feel stuck about how to make changes. Sometimes the best option feels like giving up.

No one comes to work to do a bad job.

Wherever you are, we can help you and your team find your way to joy.

© Coalition for Regenerative Work, 2023

In the spirit of reconciling and recognizing those who have been on this land for centuries before us, we acknowledge that we live, work, dream and play on the traditional lands of many Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island. 


We believe that many of the toxic behaviours and structures we see in workplaces are the result of colonial practices and mindsets, and we seek to find a better way to be. 


We are committed to learning, growing, and understanding how our presence has impacted others, and understanding our place within that history – and aiming to make it better in some small way. We are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion and understanding our ancestors and our impacts.  We all strive to decolonize our learning and leadership.

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